Iron is an important nutrient in the body as it helps in developing red blood cells & haemoglobin, which transport oxygen in the blood. There’s a lot you can do to prevent iron deficiency through diet. Here’s how you can increase your iron intake and absorption:
Include at least one iron-rich food in every meal. Examples include meat, chicken, fish, liver & other organ meats, beans, eggs, leafy vegetables, cocoa and raisins.
Lightly cook your vegetables. If you overcook your vegetables, vitamins and minerals like iron and vitamin C will escape through the water and steam from the vegetables. Let them have a crunchy texture after cooking.
Choose iron-fortified foods such as fortified cereals, ugali or chapati flour.
Increase foods high in vitamin C at every meal. Vitamin C greatly increases iron absorption. Good sources include oranges, tangerines, pineapples, mangoes, tomatoes, dark green leafy vegetables, broccoli, strawberries and sweet potatoes.
Do not drink more than 1 cup of dairy per day. Dairy products (milk, yoghurt, maziwa mala) have low iron and high calcium & this interferes with iron absorption. Calcium blocks the iron receptors in the body, making iron absorption lower.
Get supplementation. Speak to your doctor about getting an iron supplement in the form of tablets or a syrup. It is important to inform your doctor about other supplements you may be taking, as too many iron supplements can be harmful to your health.
Note that it can take upto 4 and 30 days for iron and hemoglobin levels to go back to normal. Even so, an iron-rich diet should be continued for several months so that the body iron reserves are fully stored.
Since we have a nutritionist on our team, you can reach out if you have any questions or concerns regarding your diet. Book a session with an Antara Nutritionist through the Antara App or by clicking here.