If you have been experiencing constipation or hemorrhoids, it’s important to remember to include foods with high fibre in your diet. Fibre is the non-digestible part of food that helps us pass stool (kupitisha kinyesi). It helps us prevent constipation, reduces cholesterol in our blood and also reduces the risk of colon cancer. Here are some dietary tips that can help you:
Tip #1: Eat foods rich in fibre. These are mainly whole grain cereals, legumes, fruits and vegetables. Examples include: brown bread, Weetabix, oatmeal, beans, watermelon, tangerines, cabbage and other leafy vegetables.
Tip #2: Start your day with a high-fibre breakfast. Eat wheat or bran cereal (like Weetabix or Bran Flakes) along with a sliced banana. Or, try peanut butter on whole-wheat bread.
Tip #3: Snack right. Fruits and raw vegetables like carrots are easy to prepare, taste great and high in fibre.
Tip #4: Eat half a plate of vegetables. This ensures the largest portion of your meal is high in fibre. Include your protein (quarter plate) and carbohydrates (quarter plate) for a balanced diet.
Tip #5: Drink plenty of water. Dietary fibre holds a lot of water. To ensure you pass soft stool regularly, drink between 5 to 8 glasses of water daily.
Tip #6: Exercise. Daily exercise is helpful in decreasing the time food stays in our body and helps our digestive muscles contract to push out stool. Keep active by walking, skipping, jogging or having a workout routine.
Tip #7: Good bowel habits. Do not forcefully push out any hard stool. This can cause tears and lead to damage in your anus. Use the bathroom when you need to and don't ignore the urge to pass stool. Also, don't read or use your phone while on the toilet. Sit only as long as needed. Wipe gently with soft, unscented toilet tissue and wash your hands.
If constipation persists after taking dietary measures, let your Health Navigator know for any medical support.
Since we have a nutritionist on our team, you can reach out if you have any questions or concerns regarding your diet. Book a session with an Antara Nutritionist through the Antara App or by clicking here.